I suppose I knew it was coming, and I've tackled the lists and the to-do's the way I knew I would...but I lost myself a bit in the process. I became exhausted and found myself looking at the obligations and lists with resentment. Publishing a book is a full-time job. It can take over your entire life and since I've never done it before, it became overwhelming to a point where I considered giving up.
So, when you're tackling your dream and find yourself overwhelmed, what do you do? What did I do?
That's all that matters.
I'm at the end of this four-year journey, and I did it. I made it. And in just six short weeks (March 31st), a whole new adventure will begin and life will change all over again. How exciting. And terrifying. Just like everything else, I'll keep figuring it out and I won't give up, even when times get tough.
I came across this YouTube video on Twitter, and I must re-post it. I'm passing it on as inspiration to the artists out there, the go-getters, the fighters and the dreamers. Hold on, keep kicking, and one day in the not-so-distant future, you may look back and be glad you did.