I am terrible at talking about my book.
I'm serious - I rarely tell anyone about it. Okay, here's how a conversation about my book goes:
"So, Jillian. I hear you've written a book?"
My face turns red. "Yes, I have."
Awkward silence.
"Well, what's it about?"
Don't say it's a travel memoir...
"It's a travel memoir."
*Insert long sigh.
Can I tell you something else? I'm terrified. I've given this book everything I have... what if everything isn't good enough? This is a game changer. No matter what, there's no going back now. My editor asked me this week, "What do you think, Jillian? Do you need more time, or is it ready? What does your gut say?"
And I knew the answer. Ready or not, it is time. I know it's time. I have come full circle.
"There are no other options but to follow my love, let go, and fall. So fall I will; I will dive fully into the depths of everything I am and morph into completely new dimensions. I will never be the same. Nothing will ever be the same. I’ve prayed and now it is time, time to let myself live this life I have fought so hard for. It is time to fly." - Scared to Life
So here she is, my life in 375 pages. My book will be officially released into the world on March 31st. I hope you like it.